The world TV premiere of Odia Movie was graced by the full star cast of the movie on Sunday. The movie produced by Zee Sarthak Films Productions and OM Sai Production was telecast on Zee Sarthak Channel on March 19 at 6:30pm. In the screening director, producer and star cast of the movie were present. The movie stars Rishi, Payal, Pushpa Panda, Sahil Mukherjee and Pradyumna Lenka in key roles.
The movie is directed by Sudanshu Mohan Sahoo and produced by Pradyumaa Lenka. The movie revolved around a situation of how a character of the movie has to marry despite the unwillingness of the person. To solve this situation, a contract marriage was planned and how things go upside down after that that. This is the core of the movie.