Swaraj Barik’s upcoming film, ‘Pratha’ was scheduled to release in theatres on September 15. But makers now has postponed the release of the movie on this day and the new release date will be announced.
Actor Swaraj Barik and producer Sanlisa Patel shared the information in social media. As per report the reason behind this decision is SRK’s Jawan which is running housefull in cinema halls.
The trailer and music of multilingual flick Pratha was released by the makers recently . The trailer was released at a special event at Cinepolis Multiplex in the presence of star cast of the movie including actor Swaraj Barik, actress Simran Kaur, Bobby Mishra, director K Murali Krishna, producer Sanlisa Patel and others.
The makers earlier had announced the movie will be released on on September 15 on the occasion of Ganesh Puja this year
The trailer showcase the story set in the Lalaguda area in Koraput and revolved around the character of Swaraj, who is playing a character of Potharaju, a nomadic tribe known for wearing Haldi in the body and vermilion on his forehead and hitting themselves with the whip and entertaining people.
The trailer shows how his life turn upside down after some greedy people try to use the local resources of the village for their own selfish needs and that affected Swaraj and his family and how he copes with it ”
The movie will be released in Delhi, Punjab and Haryana later in addition to its release in Odisha.
The film showcases the story of an orthodox village in Odisha where following traditional culture is often sacrosanct. The reel life depicts how these age-old practices define the movie’s main characters. Pratha features actor Swaraj Barik, Sheetal Patra and Simran Kaur in lead roles.