Odia film stars wish fans a happy new year


Odia film stars wishes their fans a very happy new year and celebrated the new year with their loved ones.

Here’s what a few stars have to share on their plans in 2024.

Actress Bhoomika Dash said “Entering the new year with a clean heart and renewal mind and inspiration to succeed. Grateful to all my fans and well wishers”

Sivani Sangita Said “Happy New year New year picture has t be from my fav spot the pool”

Elina Samantaray sheared photo with familt saying” Grateful for 2023, This year was really special”

Anu Choudhury said “ May this new year be painted with vibrant hues of joy, love and endless possibilities. Embrace each moment cherish every smile and find solace in the beauty of tomorrow”

Babushaan Mohnaty wishes jhappy new year to his fans and shared the title of hsi new move on the occasion

Actor and Mo college chairperson Akash Das Nayak wishes all happy new year and prayed to lord Jagannath of giving happiness to all this year”







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