Mumbai: Actor Emraan Hashmi spoke about the criticisms being leveled against Tiger 3, as a certain section of the audience have questioned its idea of patriotism.
In an interview with media agency, the Jannat actor said, “War always created more problems. And if you ask the people of a nation, they always want peace. Ultimately, a hero is somebody who rises above what the preconceived notion of patriotism is, and does things for the larger good. And that’s what the film projects the narrative as, and in that sense, it’s a very progressive film.”
“There are a dime a dozen films that are jingoistic, and have this pitch of bashing so-and-so country. We tried to do something that was right, otherwise we could’ve easily gone down that road. And then, the same people who are questioning the patriotism would’ve then said, ‘Yaar same cheez dikha di tumne‘. Ultimately, you do what you do, and the numbers speak for themselves,” he ends.